Monday, November 28, 2011


I like to have my pets put to sleep at the end of november.  Not because that's when they need to die but because of the black friday sales at the veterinarian.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Masturbation feels great.  On the other hand, it feels weird. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Fixing education in Georgia

Fareed Zakaria did a special called "Fixing Education".  But really, that was the whole problem with the testing system in Georgia.  It was fixed. 

Cognitive comedy

I am a cognitive comedian.  Which means, if you talk to Descartes, that you have to think about my jokes, then they exist. 

Ancient woman just like today

It will be no surprise to anyone that the phrase "Women!  Can't live with them, can't live without them!" was an old saying in ancient Greece. 

Cigarettes vs. car accident

Even if I smoked cigarettes, I would be more likely to die in a car accident.  I live in an asian neighborhood.

My Mother in-law

I'm not saying my mother in-law and I don't get along.  Its just the restraining order gets in the way.

Rational Thinking

When I buy a loaf of bread and bring it home to my family, I break it off into little bites and hand the tiny morsels to everyone, one per person.  When they say, "what are you doing?", I say, "I'm being rational."

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Descartes:  Christof!  I have figured it out.  I think, therefore I am!

Christof:  If that's true, what about idiocrates?

Idiocrates:  Derrrrrrr........

A thief broke into a labratory...

A thief broke into a labratory last night.  He stole one molecule of NaCL and one lithium ion.

He is wanted for assault and battery.